iPad has set a standard for handheld devices that almost match the power and efficiency of laptops. Whether ...

After launching the most innovative device, the iPhone, Steve Jobs introduced the first iPad in March 2010, now ...

Since Apple introduced iPads in 2010, the tablet section has boomed. Many manufacturers have been “influenced” by its ...

Apple’s iPad is the most powerful tablet in the world owing to the company’s walled-garden solid system. With ...

Having kids means being a multitasking parent. So, some of us take the help of gadgets as kids ...

There was a time when two generations ago; people used PCOs and telephones that occupied their palms, but ...

Playing games is a leisurely activity that many people relish. With AR, VR, and many such technological miracles, ...

Calligraphy is the art of producing decorative lettering handwriting with a compatible brush or pen. Many artists show ...

Technology has made tonnes of manufactured things obsolete. Think of alarm clocks, timers, etc. It is now in ...

Technology is different from 25 years ago, and even a year of difference is considered a considerable gap. ...